Stormy weather over a florida beach with text overlay discussing rainfall in the region.

You may have heard that Florida gets a ton of rain, from hurricanes to afternoon storms, but is Florida experiencing more rain than normal?

We’ve lived in Florida for years, and we’ve been through multiple hurricanes, tropical storms, and hundreds of afternoon thunderstorms.

In fact, we were really surprised by how often it rains in the afternoon.

But, the pressing question we must consider is whether Florida is experiencing more rainfall than usual.

Let’s dive into the facts and details and help you determine the truth.

Why is it raining so much in Florida? (Short Answer)

After sifting through rainfall records from 1895 to 2023, it’s clear: Florida isn’t really getting that much wetter.

Sure, it may seem that way, but really, the amount of yearly rain has been stable for over 100 years.

The long-term average is about 54.16 inches of rain a year.

Even in the last decade, we’re talking about an average of 55.47 inches, and the last three years? Only a touch higher at 54.76 inches.

That’s barely noticeable.

The wettest year on record was way back in 1947 with 72.57 inches.

So, while some years feel like we’re living under a waterfall, the numbers tell us it’s more about the usual ups and downs of Florida weather.

Is it really raining in Florida more recently?

In order to do some investigation, we need to look at historical rain amounts from a trusted source.

Using The Florida Climate Center data at Florida State University, we can crunch some numbers and figure out the average rain Florida’s been getting each year.

We’ll start from way back and work our way up to now.

From 1895 to 2014, Florida has rained on average up about 54.16 inches a year on average.

But if we just look at the last decade, it’s up a tick to 55.47 inches.

So yeah, Florida’s been raining a bit more—but not by much.

Of course, we have to take a bigger look at the weather and stuff to really get what’s going on.

How did we get our answer?

We calculated the average annual precipitation for all available years, then compared it to recent years to see if there’s a trend of increased rainfall.

We considered “recent years” as the last decade provided in your data (2015-2024).

The data shows us that on average, Florida has been experiencing only a slight increase in rainfall in the recent decade compared to the long-term historical average.

There are definitely cities which have been setting some records as of late (more on that below), but in general, Florida is its normal rainy self.

Did it rain more last year in Florida than normal?

This is where things get more interesting.

If we take the same data, you’ll see that 2023 was actually below average statistically.

From 1895 to 2023, Florida’s annual average precipitation is 54.16 inches and 2023 only saw 54.15 inches of precipitation.

Yah, we know, not much below—but it was less.

So, if we take a short view on rain analysis, Florida didn’t rain more last year than normal.

How about the last few years?

The average annual precipitation in Florida for the last 3 years (2021-2023) is approximately 54.76 inches.

This is only SLIGHTLY higher than both the historical average (54.16 inches) from 1895 to 2023 and the average for the last decade (55.47 inches).

Time PeriodAverage Annual Precipitation (inches)
Historical (1895-2023)54.16
Last Decade (2015-2023)55.47
Year 202354.15
Last 3 years (2021-2023)54.76
Inches Rained in Florida

What years in Florida experienced the most rain?

The years with the most rainfall in Florida, based on the provided data, are as follows:

  1. 1947: 72.57 inches
  2. 1959: 71.29 inches
  3. 1953: 68.10 inches
  4. 1994: 66.80 inches
  5. 1983: 66.26 inches

So, as you can see, we haven’t set any top five records in nearly 30 years.

Which cities in Florida experience the highest rainfall?

Map of florida showing average annual precipitation from 1991-2020, with color gradients representing different precipitation levels in inches.
Precipitation Map of Florida Courtesy of Oregon State University

Based on the provided data by NOAA, the following cities (by region) have the highest average yearly rainfall in Florida from 1991 to 2020:

  • South Florida: Hialeah with an average annual precipitation of 72.9 inches.
  • Central Florida: Lakeland with an average annual precipitation of 56.8 inches.
  • North Florida: Lake City with an average annual precipitation of 54.0 inches.
  • Florida Panhandle: Niceville with an average annual precipitation of 73.4 inches.

As you can see from the map above, the interior of Florida experiences much less rain than the coastal cities. Places like Orlando, Ocala, and Gainesville benefit from being over an hour from the ocean.

Hate rain?

If you want to experience less rain and live on the Florida coast, you’ll want to look in northeast Florida near Jacksonville. They receive less rain, especially cities just south of Jacksonville on the coast.

Love Rain?

If you love rain and the coast, the western panhandle near Pensacola and southeastern Florida near For Lauderdale are your best bets.

We love to watch the thunderstorms and lightning strikes in these coastal cities. And no, Florida isn’t the lighting capital of the world.

In fact, Fort Lauderdale in 2023 had the distinction of being the rainiest city in America.

News tweet reporting on record rainfall in ft. lauderdale with a comparison to historical data.
News tweet reporting on record rainfall in ft. lauderdale with a comparison to historical data.

See, you don’t have to travel to Seattle to get the most rain in the U.S.

When does it rain the most in Florida?

In Florida, the main rainy season stretches from late spring to summer, typically from June to September.

We actually love this time of year. The smell of summer rain and blooming flowers is amazing.

During this time of the year, Florida experiences the most rain, due to its subtropical climate.

The rainy season officially runs from May 15 to October 15 in Southwest Florida, and from May 25 to October 10 in West Central Florida.

There is a really steep increase in rain in June, and it lasts until early October.

You’ll know you in the rainy season because of the humid conditions. You can cut the air with a knife.

We caution anyone visiting during this time of the year to pack rain gear and be careful when driving during afternoon hours.

In addition, theme park visitors and beach-goers should be aware that it rains almost every afternoon during these months.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is hurricane season in Florida?

Florida’s hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, peaking in August and September. We have a blog all about Florida’s safest cities from Hurricanes here.

What month in Florida has the most rain?

In Florida, June typically receives the most rainfall, marking the start of the state’s intense rainy season.

Do I need to pack a raincoat in Florida?

Yes, packing a raincoat is advisable for a visit to Florida, especially from May through October, as rain is most likely to occur in the afternoon and early evening.


Well there you have it, it’s not raining any more than usual here in Florida.

We encourage you to visit and be prepared to see some rainy days, especially in the summer months.

You should embrace the rain because Florida’s lush, green beauty wouldn’t be possible without it.